Monumento a la Patria a sculpture near Merida, Mexico

Study Abroad in Mexico

Explore Mayan ruins and immerse yourself in the Spanish language

Mérida, Mexico is a vibrant, historic, and beautiful city on the Yucatan Peninsula, cradled between Mayan ruins and the Caribbean coast. Students have two study pathways to choose from. The first is our faculty led Centre-in-Mérida program, and the second is through a Spanish-immersion program at Marista University.

Centre student sitting in front of Mayan ruins in Yucatan, Mexico

Program Option


This program is led by a Centre College faculty member who teaches two of the courses offered. All students are placed in homestays with families that have hosted Centre students for many years. Each homestay is handpicked by our on-site coordinator who matches the needs and preferences of students selected for the program. The Centre-planned and paid-for excursions around the Yucatan peninsula are highlights of the program.

Colorful city architecture against a blue sky near Merida, Mexico

Program Option

Marista University

The Universidad Marista de Mérida, with a student population of about 2,225, was founded in 1996 and is part of the Marist brotherhood congregation, a Catholic order founded in 1817 in France. The Marista program is a great option for independent, very advanced Spanish speaking students. Spanish comprehension, reading, and writing skills are a must since all courses are taught in Spanish.